
Authors indicated with * contributed equally


  1. Differential stage-specific mortality as a mechanism for diversification
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza
    (in press) The American Naturalist, 2024
  2. Ecological diversification in sexual and asexual lineages
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  Gregory. Roth ,  and  Carlos Melian
    bioRxiv, 2024
  3. Why Do Some Lineages Radiate While Others Do Not? Perspectives for Future Research on Adaptive Radiations
    Rishie De-Kayne ,  Rowen Schley ,  JMI Barth ,  LC Campillo ,  P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza , and 20 more authors
    Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology, 2024


  1. Marine reserves promote cycles in fish populations on ecological and evolutionary time scales
    Renfei Chen* ,  P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza* ,  S. Xiao ,  P. Jia ,  Q. Liu , and 1 more author
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023


  1. The enrichment paradox in adaptive radiations: emergence of predators hinders diversification in resource rich environments
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  Gregory Roth ,  and  Ole Seehausen
    Ecology Letters, 2022


  1. Individual energy dynamics reveal nonlinear interaction of stressors threatening migratory fish populations
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  and  André M. Roos
    Functional Ecology, 2021
  2. Fast environmental change and eco-evolutionary feedbacks can drive regime shifts in ecosystems before tipping points are crossed
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza
    Proc. R. Soc. B, 2021
  3. Adaptive evolution can both prevent ecosystem collapse and delay ecosystem recovery
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  Blake Matthews ,  Luc De Meester ,  and  Vasilis Dakos
    The American Naturalist, 2021


  1. Density-dependent effects of mortality on the optimal body size to shift habitat: Why smaller is better despite increased mortality risk
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  and  André M. Roos
    Evolution, 2020
  2. Ecological changes with minor effect initiate evolution to delayed regime shifts
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  and  André M. Roos
    Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2020


  1. Environmental change effects on life‐history traits and population dynamics of anadromous fishes
    P. Catalina Chaparro-Pedraza ,  and  André M. Roos
    Journal of Animal Ecology, 2019